A Nancy Drew Weekend

I read SIX Nancy Drew books over the weekend! And I will probably finish a seventh before I go to bed tonight. I am really enjoying this challenge. Each book takes me about an hour to read. It is nice to relax and read without having to work all that hard. I still love Nancy and all of her friends. I love the freedom her father gives her to follow her instincts- I don’t think this type of parenting was very common in the 30s.

When I first read about the challenge and learned that the yellow-spined version of the series were updated to be more accessible to current readers, I was a little surprised. As a child I do not remember thinking the books had old language. As I read them now, I can see why the language was updated, and even still the sentence structure feels a little odd at some points. In some ways the outdated feeling is what makes the series enjoyable. Nancy can’t just pull out her cell phone and text for help, she has to be resourceful and observant!

I’m excited to continue with this challenge, but I think I need to take a break this week and start reading something from one of my other challenges- I don’t want to overdose on Nancy Drew.

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